SMath Viewer

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Viewer File Type plug-in allows to create standalone executable files (*.exe) from your worksheets. SMath Viewer is an alternative GUI for SMath Studio.

The idea of SMath Viewer is that SMath Studio is a great application but sometimes it is too complex for regular engineer. Indeed, SMath Studio was initially created for composing worksheets of any complexity with many of built-in features introduced to simplify this process. As a result sometimes the end-users have to see too much excess information on the worksheets when it is just needed to read results of calculations in convenient way.

SMath Viewer plug-in creates applications to show only data users are needed to be seen. At the same time it works directly with SMath Studio worksheets, so no any significant actions required to reuse existing libraries of files. SMath Viewer is a distribution platform for worksheets created using SMath Studio.

So SMath Studio is an editor for worksheets and SMath Viewer is a reader.


  • It automatically supports all plug-ins created for SMath Studio (all DLLs from plugins directory of SMath Studio);
  • It has built-in multilanguage support - just set all text entries, descriptions and file properties in several languages and SMath Viewer will be opened in correct language for different users;
  • It supports units;
  • Allows you to protect your worksheets (end-user cannot see the logic of your worksheet);
  • End-user just cannot accidentally change or break you worksheet - output results will be always correct;
  • There is no need to install applications - just copy and run them anywhere;
  • Output application is faster even then SMath Studio! This is because when you work with a tab on the form on any data change only controls located on this tab will be recalculated. Other controls from other tabs will not affect on the overall evaluation speed;
  • Application supports multi-threading, so it always response;
  • Size of the output application is about 0.5MB (it may vary based on plug-ins and languages used).