Extensions Manager

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Extensions Manager is a built-in tool to access approved registered extensions directly from SMath Studio. It provides access to several kinds of extensions like Handbooks, Examples, Plugins, Applications, Snippets, Translations and others. It is available in SMath Studio using main menu: Tools > Plugins... or Help > Examples...

Extensions Manager allows to search, download and open or install extensions using simple intuitive user interface. It is a great tool to deliver extensions to end users easily.

Extensions Register

Extensions Manager developed to work in two modes:

  • Local storage - allows to browse resources available locally on the workstation;
  • Online gallery - this mode requires Internet connection to access an extensions register. This register is always available by the following url: https://smath.com/en-US/licensing/api/Extensions.

Please also note:

Sharing of Extensions

Everyone from community is able to share extensions with others by registering of extensions using a simple web­-based tool: https://smath.info/en-US/files/Registration. It allows to register extensions of any supported kind.

To get access to the sharing form one needs to create an account. As a result, sharing form will open where it will be possible to select type of the extension and to upload it to SMath root server.

In order to provide the best quality of the extensions every new registered extension must be approved by SMath support team before appearing within Extensions Manager. It usually took up to 2 working days to have registered extension available within Extension register. Updates of the already approved extension will replace previous version automatically, immediately after sharing.

Once extension approved SMath Studio will show it within Extensions Manager. It's that simple. Feel free to upload useful extensions to share them with community!