If condition

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if('condition','true','false') - Returns 'true'-statement if logical 'condition'-statement is true (non-zero), 'false'-statement otherwise.

Advice: Choose it from the Programming palette

The "if" programming tool returns a value depending on Boolean 'condition'. Boolean condition can be formed by using Boolean palette. Here is a simple example, returning numeric or symbolic result.

File:En programming if1.png

The user should take care when defining a function which uses "if". The Boolean condition could be sometimes quite "tricky". For example, if we want to find out if the y-value is inside (x,z) range we could do something like this.

File:En programming if2.png

It is advisable to see the tooltip and the order (precedence) of operators. The operators are usually calculated from left to right. Use ( ) - parenthesis if you have some doubts.

File:En programming if3.png

This page is inspired by legacy wiki article https://smath.info/wiki/if.ashx.