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SMath Studio has a number of embedded Programming capabilities, allowing you to handle your calculation in a more efficient way. Standard conditional and cyclic constructions are supported.


Performance Hints

In many cases you can gain a speedup by setting the Optimization mode to Numeric as follows:

1. Let's start with nothing selected:

2. Left-click anywhere on the loop in question. The loop will be surrounded by a selection box:

3. Right-click anywhere on the loop. The context menu will now have a setting for Optimization. Set this to Numeric. The Optimization setting automatically applies to all operations within the selection box.

4. When you left-click outside the loop, SMath Studio will recalculate the page (if you have main-menu option Calculation > Auto calculation turned on). The calculation will typically be faster than it was with Optimization set to Symbolic.

This page is inspired by legacy wiki article