Recreating SMath Database

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In some rare cases like lost admin password or internal data inconsistency it may be required to recreate Local Licensing Server database.

It may be performed as follows:

  • Navigate to the folder from where you initialized your server application. It is where your compose file is stored
  • Stop server application by calling
   docker compose down
  • After server application is stopped you need to clean up docker volume, containing server database. In order to perform it we need to find out this volume name. It may be discovered by calling
   docker volume ls
  • Previous command will show you all docker volumes on your machine. Please find one, called XXX_postgres-data-XXX where XXX most likely will be your company name. Remove it by calling
   docker volume rm XXX_postgres-data-XXX
  • Make sure the volume has been deleted by calling one more time
   docker volume ls
  • Your database is cleaned now and in order to recreate it you need to start your server application over again by calling
   docker compose up -d

Note: Your database is empty now and it is necessary to configure admin password over again and configure your license on Licenses page as it is described in your delivery instruction